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Section 21300. - 21300. As used in this chapter, the following terms have...
Section 21301. - 21301. Any association, the principles and activities of which are...
Section 21302. - 21302. An association shall not be permitted to register any...
Section 21303. - 21303. Application for registration, alteration, or cancellation shall be made...
Section 21304. - 21304. The Secretary of State shall charge and collect a...
Section 21305. - 21305. Upon the registration, the Secretary of State shall issue...
Section 21306. - 21306. The Secretary of State shall keep a properly indexed...
Section 21307. - 21307. Any person who willfully wears, exhibits, or uses for...
Section 21308. - 21308. Any court of competent jurisdiction may restrain by injunction:...
Section 21309. - 21309. In any action under Section 21308 it is not...
Section 21310. - 21310. The use of the name or insignia of any...