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Section 32330. - 32330. The board shall consist of 11 voting members and...
Section 32332. - 32332. Annually, the voting members of the board shall elect...
Section 32334. - 32334. A majority of the voting members shall constitute a...
Section 32336. - 32336. The board shall adopt rules and procedures for the...
Section 32338. - 32338. The board may establish advisory boards or committees, hold...
Section 32340. - 32340. The board shall establish and maintain a headquarters office...
Section 32342. - 32342. The board shall determine the qualifications of, and shall...
Section 32344. - 32344. The board may enter into contracts with private entities...
Section 32346. - 32346. The conservancy’s expenses for support and administration may be...
Section 32348. - 32348. The board shall conduct business in accordance with the...
Section 32350. - 32350. The board shall hold its regular meetings within the...