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ARTICLE 1 - Name
Section 31200. - 31200. The corporate name of each licensee shall include the...
Section 31201. - 31201. No licensee shall, except with the prior approval of...
ARTICLE 2 - Board of Directors
Section 31210. - 31210. The board of directors of each licensee shall consist...
Section 31211. - 31211. The board of directors of each licensee shall hold...
ARTICLE 3 - Securities
Section 31220. - 31220. Notwithstanding any other law of this state, but subject...
ARTICLE 4 - Distributions to Shareholders
Section 31230. - 31230. In this article, “distribution to its shareholders” has the...
Section 31231. - 31231. No licensee shall, except with the prior approval of...
Section 31232. - 31232. If the commissioner finds, with respect to an application...
Section 31233. - 31233. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 31232, unless an application...