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Section 94400. - 94400. Whenever any benevolent, religious, or fraternal organization or society,...
Section 94401. - 94401. The grand lodge, assembly, conference, or other legislative or...
Section 94402. - 94402. The board of trustees of the new corporation shall...
Section 94403. - 94403. After the two or more colleges or institutions of...
Section 94404. - 94404. Unless other provision is made in the articles of...
Section 94405. - 94405. Provision may be made in the articles of incorporation,...
Section 94406. - 94406. Bylaws may be adopted and amended by the trustees...
Section 94407. - 94407. Except as otherwise provided in Section 94406, in the...
Section 94408. - 94408. The board of trustees of the new corporation shall...
Section 94409. - 94409. The several boards of trustees of the consolidating institutions...