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Section 6140. - 6140. The hospitalization, medical treatment, and indemnity, including death benefits,...
Section 6141. - 6141. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the provisions...
Section 6142. - 6142. The provisions of Sections 3212, 3212.5, 3361, 4458, and...
Section 6143. - 6143. The appeals board is vested with all power not...
Section 6144. - 6144. The appeals board may try and determine controversies under...
Section 6145. - 6145. The state, acting by or through any state agency,...
Section 6146. - 6146. In acting as arbitrator, the appeals board has all...
Section 6147. - 6147. No state agency, either directly or through its adjusting...
Section 6148. - 6148. The insurer, when insurance exists, shall not pay or...
Section 6149. - 6149. Nothing shall preclude an employee from negotiating the agreement...