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Section 1070. - 1070. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:...
Section 1071. - 1071. The commissioner shall issue a certificate in duplicate authorizing...
Section 1072. - 1072. Every bank shall establish and maintain a head office...
Section 1073. - 1073. A bank, with the approval of its board, may...
Section 1074. - 1074. A bank, with the approval of its board, may...
Section 1075. - 1075. A bank, with the approval of its board, may...
Section 1076. - 1076. Each time a bank establishes an office, relocates an...
Section 1077. - 1077. On or before January 1 of each year, every...
Section 1078. - 1078. (a) A bank may close or discontinue the operation...
Section 1079. - 1079. If the commissioner finds for any reason that the...
Section 1080. - 1080. If a bank violates any provision of this chapter...
Section 1081. - 1081. A bank, with the approval of its board, may...
Section 1082. - 1082. Any bank that establishes a branch office in this...
Section 1083. - 1083. (a) A bank may participate in a financial education...