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Section 5100. - 5100. At the time of making its award, or at...
Section 5100.5. - 5100.5. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5100, the appeals board...
Section 5100.6. - 5100.6. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5100, the appeals board...
Section 5101. - 5101. The amount of the lump sum shall be determined...
Section 5102. - 5102. The appeals board may order the lump sum paid...
Section 5103. - 5103. Payments from the lump sum so deposited shall be...
Section 5104. - 5104. In the appointment of the trustee, preference may be...
Section 5105. - 5105. Upon the payment of a lump sum, the employer...
Section 5106. - 5106. The appeals board shall, upon the request of the...