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Section 22620. - 22620. This chapter applies to all annual assessments levied after...
Section 22621. - 22621. Proceedings shall be taken pursuant to this chapter for...
Section 22622. - 22622. The legislative body shall adopt a resolution which shall...
Section 22623. - 22623. Upon completion, the engineer shall file the report with...
Section 22624. - 22624. After approval of the report, either as filed or...
Section 22625. - 22625. The date, hour, and place of the hearing is...
Section 22626. - 22626. Notice of the hearing shall be given by either...
Section 22628. - 22628. Any interested person may, prior to the conclusion of...
Section 22629. - 22629. If notice is given pursuant to subdivision (a) of...
Section 22630. - 22630. During the course or upon the conclusion of the...
Section 22630.5. - 22630.5. If there is a majority protest against the levy...
Section 22631. - 22631. If a majority protest has not been filed, the...