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ARTICLE 1 - Initiation
Section 13815. - 13815. A new district may be formed pursuant to this...
Section 13816. - 13816. A proposal to form a new district may be...
Section 13817. - 13817. (a) Before circulating any petition, the chief petitioners shall...
Section 13818. - 13818. The petition shall be signed by not less than...
Section 13819. - 13819. A petition may consist of a single instrument or...
Section 13820. - 13820. (a) Within 30 days after the date of filing...
Section 13821. - 13821. (a) A proposal to form a new district may...
Section 13822. - 13822. Once the chief petitioners have filed a sufficient petition...
ARTICLE 2 - Election
Section 13823. - 13823. (a) If the local agency formation commission approves the...
Section 13823.5. - 13823.5. After the local agency formation commission approves the formation...
Section 13824. - 13824. Within five days after the district formation election has...
Section 13825. - 13825. (a) The chief petitioners or the agency filing the...
Section 13826. - 13826. The elections officials in charge of conducting the election...
Section 13827. - 13827. The notice of election shall contain all of the...
Section 13828. - 13828. (a) The formation election and the election of members...
Section 13829. - 13829. If the majority of the votes cast at the...
Section 13830. - 13830. If the district lies in one county, immediately after...
Section 13831. - 13831. (a) No informality in any proceeding, including informality in...
ARTICLE 3 - Selection of the Initial Board of Directors
Section 13834. - 13834. The initial board of directors of a district formed...
Section 13835. - 13835. In the case of a district which contains only...
Section 13836. - 13836. In the case of a district which contains only...
Section 13837. - 13837. In the case of a district which contains unincorporated...
Section 13838. - 13838. In the case of a district which includes only...
Section 13839. - 13839. In the case of a district which includes only...