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ARTICLE 1 - Findings and Declarations
Section 300. - 300. The people of California find and declare as follows:...
ARTICLE 2 - English Language Education
Section 305. - 305. (a) (1) As part of the parent and community...
Section 306. - 306. The definitions of the terms used in this article...
ARTICLE 3 - Parental Exceptions
Section 310. - 310. (a) Parents or legal guardians of pupils enrolled in...
ARTICLE 3.5 - English Language Proficiency Assessment
Section 313. - 313. (a) Each school district that has one or more...
Section 313.1. - 313.1. For purposes of this article, the following terms have...
Section 313.2. - 313.2. (a) The department shall annually ascertain the number of...
Section 313.3. - 313.3. (a) On or before December 31, 2023, the department...
Section 313.5. - 313.5. (a) By January 1, 2014, the department shall review...
ARTICLE 4 - Community-Based English Tutoring
Section 315. - 315. In furtherance of its constitutional and legal requirement to...
Section 316. - 316. Programs funded pursuant to this section shall be provided...
ARTICLE 5 - Legal Standing and Parental Enforcement
Section 320. - 320. As detailed in Section 5 of Article IX of...
ARTICLE 6 - Severability
Section 325. - 325. If any part or parts of this statute are...
ARTICLE 7 - Operative Date
Section 330. - 330. This initiative shall become operative for all school terms...
ARTICLE 8 - Amendment
Section 335. - 335. The provisions of this act may be amended by...
ARTICLE 9 - Interpretation
Section 340. - 340. Under circumstances in which portions of this statute are...