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Section 71020. - 71020. (a) On or before January 1, 1995, the secretary...
Section 71021. - 71021. (a) A permit applicant for a project may request...
Section 71022. - 71022. (a) Within 15 working days of the date that...
Section 71023. - 71023. (a) The permit applicant may withdraw from the consolidated...
Section 71024. - 71024. The consolidated permit agency shall ensure that the participating...
Section 71025. - 71025. Each environmental permit incorporated in the consolidated permit shall...
Section 71026. - 71026. (a) A consolidated permit agency may charge and collect...
Section 71027. - 71027. A petition by the permit applicant for review of...
Section 71028. - 71028. If an applicant petitions for a significant amendment or...
Section 71029. - 71029. If an applicant fails to provide information required for...