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Section 1282. - 1282. Unless the arbitration agreement otherwise provides, or unless the...
Section 1282.2. - 1282.2. Unless the arbitration agreement otherwise provides, or unless the...
Section 1282.4. - 1282.4. (a) A party to the arbitration has the right...
Section 1282.5. - 1282.5. (a) (1) A party to an arbitration has the...
Section 1282.6. - 1282.6. (a) A subpoena requiring the attendance of witnesses, and...
Section 1282.8. - 1282.8. The neutral arbitrator may administer oaths. (Added by Stats....
Section 1283. - 1283. On application of a party to the arbitration, the...
Section 1283.05. - 1283.05. To the extent provided in Section 1283.1 depositions may...
Section 1283.1. - 1283.1. (a) All of the provisions of Section 1283.05 shall...
Section 1283.2. - 1283.2. Except for the parties to the arbitration and their...
Section 1283.4. - 1283.4. The award shall be in writing and signed by...
Section 1283.6. - 1283.6. The neutral arbitrator shall serve a signed copy of...
Section 1283.8. - 1283.8. The award shall be made within the time fixed...
Section 1284. - 1284. The arbitrators, upon written application of a party to...
Section 1284.2. - 1284.2. Unless the arbitration agreement otherwise provides or the parties...
Section 1284.3. - 1284.3. (a) No neutral arbitrator or private arbitration company shall...