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Section 11500. - 11500. (a) (1) It shall be unlawful for any person...
Section 11501. - 11501. Every automobile dismantler shall make application to the department...
Section 11502. - 11502. The department shall have the power and duty to...
Section 11503. - 11503. The department may refuse to issue a license to...
Section 11503.1. - 11503.1. Any of the causes specified in this chapter as...
Section 11503.5. - 11503.5. (a) The department, after notice and hearing, on an...
Section 11504. - 11504. (a) An applicant who applies for a license pursuant...
Section 11505. - 11505. (a) The department, upon granting a license shall issue...
Section 11506. - 11506. Except where the provisions of this code require the...
Section 11507. - 11507. Pending the satisfaction of the department that the applicant...
Section 11508. - 11508. (a) Every occupational license and special plate issued under...
Section 11509. - 11509. (a) The department, after notice and hearing, may suspend...
Section 11509.1. - 11509.1. (a) After the filing of an accusation under this...
Section 11509.5. - 11509.5. A person whose automobile dismantler’s license has been revoked...
Section 11510. - 11510. The department may, pending a hearing, temporarily suspend the...
Section 11511. - 11511. In any administrative action to revoke or suspend an...
Section 11512. - 11512. (a) Upon refusal of the department to issue a...
Section 11513. - 11513. (a) The department shall not issue an automobile dismantler’s...
Section 11514. - 11514. (a) An automobile dismantler’s established place of business and...
Section 11515. - 11515. (a) (1) Whenever an insurance company makes a total...
Section 11515.1. - 11515.1. A salvage pool shall sell a vehicle only with...
Section 11515.2. - 11515.2. (a) (1) If an insurance company makes a total...
Section 11516. - 11516. (a) Any automobile dismantler owning or controlling any vehicle...
Section 11517. - 11517. The department may issue a certificate of convenience to...
Section 11518. - 11518. The special plates and license provided for in this...
Section 11519. - 11519. (a) A vehicle that has been reported as a...
Section 11520. - 11520. (a) A licensed automobile dismantler who acquired, for the...
Section 11521. - 11521. No person required to be licensed as an automobile...
Section 11522. - 11522. The provisions of this chapter shall not prevent the...
Section 11540. - 11540. (a) A salvage pool shall maintain an accurate record...
Section 11541. - 11541. The department shall administer and enforce all provisions of...
Section 11545. - 11545. (a) The department shall collaborate with the California Department...