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Section 5400. - 5400. This chapter shall be known as the Public Park...
Section 5400.5. - 5400.5. As used in this chapter “public park” includes only...
Section 5400.6. - 5400.6. As used in this chapter “operating entity” means the...
Section 5401. - 5401. (a) No city, city and county, county, public district,...
Section 5402. - 5402. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to...
Section 5403. - 5403. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to...
Section 5403.5. - 5403.5. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to...
Section 5404. - 5404. In the event that the park land and facilities...
Section 5405. - 5405. Unless the provisions of Section 5407.2 are applicable, the...
Section 5406. - 5406. Upon receiving an offer of compensation or land, or...
Section 5407. - 5407. Unless improvement of an unacquired portion of the park...
Section 5407.1. - 5407.1. Such substitute park land and facilities shall be of...
Section 5407.2. - 5407.2. The operating entity, after holding a public hearing, with...
Section 5408. - 5408. Failure of any public entity or public utility to...
Section 5409. - 5409. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to authorize...