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Section 35100. - 35100. (a) The total outside width of any vehicle or...
Section 35100.1. - 35100.1. For purposes of subdivision (a) of Section 35100, the...
Section 35100.5. - 35100.5. The total outside width of a cotton module mover...
Section 35101. - 35101. When any vehicle is equipped with pneumatic tires, the...
Section 35102. - 35102. When any vehicle carries a load of loosely piled...
Section 35103. - 35103. (a) A vehicle used for recreational purposes may exceed...
Section 35104. - 35104. The limitations as to width do not apply to...
Section 35105. - 35105. Any city organized under a freeholders’ charter may by...
Section 35106. - 35106. (a) Motor coaches or buses may have a maximum...
Section 35107. - 35107. “Urban and suburban service” means a service performed in...
Section 35109. - 35109. Lights, mirrors, or devices which are required to be...
Section 35110. - 35110. (a) Door handles, hinges, cable cinchers, chain binders, aerodynamic...
Section 35111. - 35111. No passenger vehicle shall be operated on any highway...