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Section 11300. - 11300. It shall be unlawful for any person to act...
Section 11301. - 11301. Every vehicle verifier shall make application to the department...
Section 11301.5. - 11301.5. If a deposit is given instead of the bond...
Section 11302. - 11302. (a) The department may issue, or for reasonable cause...
Section 11302.2. - 11302.2. (a) Every person licensed under this chapter shall report...
Section 11302.5. - 11302.5. (a) After the filing of an accusation under this...
Section 11305. - 11305. It shall be unlawful and cause of disciplinary action...
Section 11306. - 11306. (a) If the department issues or renews a vehicle...
Section 11307. - 11307. (a) A vehicle verifier shall maintain a record of...
Section 11308. - 11308. The department may adopt rules and regulations concerning the...
Section 11309. - 11309. (a) The following fees for a vehicle verifier’s permit...
Section 11310. - 11310. Any person who holds a vehicle verifier’s permit issued...
Section 11312. - 11312. The suspension, expiration, or cancellation of a vehicle verifier’s...