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Section 5650. - 5650. (a) The State Department of Health Care Services and...
Section 5650.5. - 5650.5. Any other provision of law referring to the county...
Section 5651. - 5651. (a) Counties shall comply with the terms of the...
Section 5652.5. - 5652.5. (a) Each county shall utilize available private and private...
Section 5652.7. - 5652.7. A county shall have only 60 days from the...
Section 5653. - 5653. (a) Optimum use shall be made of appropriate local...
Section 5653.1. - 5653.1. In conducting evaluation, planning, and research activities, counties may...
Section 5654. - 5654. In order to serve the increasing needs of children...
Section 5655. - 5655. All departments of state government and all local public...
Section 5657. - 5657. (a) The private organization or private nonprofit organization awarded...
Section 5664. - 5664. In consultation with the County Behavioral Health Directors Association...
Section 5665. - 5665. After the development of performance outcome measures pursuant to...
Section 5667. - 5667. (a) A community mental health center shall be considered...