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Section 12510. - 12510. There is in the state government, in the Resources...
Section 12511. - 12511. The board consists of eight members appointed by the...
Section 12512. - 12512. The governing bodies of the San Diego County Water...
Section 12513. - 12513. Each member of the board, except as otherwise provided...
Section 12514. - 12514. (a) The board shall determine, by majority vote, where...
Section 12515. - 12515. All of the records of the board or copies...
Section 12516. - 12516. The board shall be subject to the provisions of...
Section 12517. - 12517. The board shall adopt such rules or procedure as...
Section 12518. - 12518. The board shall make such reports and recommendations to...
Section 12519. - 12519. Notwithstanding any other provision of the law to the...