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ARTICLE 1 - General
Section 15100. - 15100. The California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System shall be operated...
Section 15101. - 15101. The system shall be used exclusively for the official...
Section 15102. - 15102. The charges for transmitting messages over the system shall...
Section 15103. - 15103. The department shall file with the Controller a monthly...
Section 15104. - 15104. All sums so deposited shall be credited by the...
Section 15105. - 15105. This chapter does not prohibit the use of the...
Section 15106. - 15106. The Attorney General may lease facilities and equipment for...
ARTICLE 2 - Leases of Teletype Facilities and Equipment
Section 15130. - 15130. The Attorney General may arrange for the connection of...
Section 15131. - 15131. The Attorney General shall lease facilities and equipment to...
Section 15132. - 15132. The Attorney General shall lease facilities and equipment to...
Section 15133. - 15133. The Attorney General shall lease facilities and equipment to...
Section 15134. - 15134. The Attorney General shall lease facilities and equipment to...
Section 15135. - 15135. The Attorney General shall lease facilities and equipment to...
Section 15136. - 15136. The Attorney General shall lease facilities and equipment to...
Section 15137. - 15137. The Attorney General shall lease facilities and equipment to...