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Section 130505. - 130505. (a) The amount a participating, eligible Californian pays for...
Section 130506. - 130506. (a) The department shall negotiate drug discount agreements with...
Section 130507. - 130507. (a) On August 1, 2017, the department shall determine...
Section 130508. - 130508. To the maximum extent possible, the department shall assure...
Section 130509. - 130509. (a) The department may require prior authorization in the...
Section 130510. - 130510. The names of manufacturers of single-source drugs that do...
Section 130511. - 130511. (a) Each drug discount agreement shall do all of...
Section 130512. - 130512. (a) The department shall generate a monthly report that,...
Section 130513. - 130513. (a) The department shall establish and maintain a claims...