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ARTICLE 1 - Eligibility and Disqualifications
Section 3551. - 3551. Extended duration benefits are payable from the Unemployment Fund...
Section 3552. - 3552. An unemployed individual is eligible to receive extended duration...
Section 3553. - 3553. The filing of a valid primary claim by an...
ARTICLE 2 - Computation (Amount and Duration)
Section 3601. - 3601. An exhaustee’s weekly benefit amount under an extended duration...
Section 3602. - 3602. An exhaustee’s extended duration award during any one extended...
Section 3603. - 3603. Only one extended duration award may be established for...
ARTICLE 3 - Filing, Determination, and Payment of Extended Duration Benefit Claims
Section 3651. - 3651. Claims for extended duration benefits shall be made as...
Section 3652. - 3652. An exhaustee who desires to claim extended duration benefits...
Section 3653. - 3653. The effective date of a valid primary claim shall...
Section 3654. - 3654. The department shall give a notice of the filing...
Section 3654.1. - 3654.1. (a) For the purpose of determining whether an unemployed...
Section 3654.2. - 3654.2. Any employing unit who fails to furnish wage information...
Section 3654.3. - 3654.3. If any employing unit fails to respond to a...
Section 3654.4. - 3654.4. (a) The department shall consider the facts submitted by...
Section 3655. - 3655. (a) The Employment Development Department shall consider the facts...
Section 3656. - 3656. (a) Upon the filing of a valid primary claim...
ARTICLE 4 - Reserve Accounts
Section 3701. - 3701. (a) (1) An employer that is entitled under Section...
Section 3702. - 3702. Extended duration benefits, to the extent that such extended...
ARTICLE 5 - Overpayments
Section 3751. - 3751. The provisions of Article 4 (commencing with Section 1375)...