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Section 480. - 480. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, a...
Section 480.2. - 480.2. (a) The Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, the State...
Section 480.5. - 480.5. (a) An individual who has satisfied any of the...
Section 481. - 481. (a) Each board under this code shall develop criteria...
Section 482. - 482. (a) Each board under this code shall develop criteria...
Section 484. - 484. No person applying for licensure under this code shall...
Section 485. - 485. Upon denial of an application for a license under...
Section 486. - 486. Where the board has denied an application for a...
Section 487. - 487. If a hearing is requested by the applicant, the...
Section 488. - 488. (a) Except as otherwise provided by law, following a...
Section 489. - 489. Any agency in the department which is authorized by...