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ARTICLE 1 - General
Section 1300. - 1300. Every officer, the mode of whose appointment is not...
Section 1301. - 1301. Every office, the term of which is not fixed...
Section 1302. - 1302. Every officer whose term has expired shall continue to...
Section 1303. - 1303. Every person who exercises any function of a public...
Section 1304. - 1304. (a) The Speaker of the Assembly or the Senate...
ARTICLE 2 - Nominations by Governor
Section 1320. - 1320. Nominations made by the Governor to the Senate shall...
Section 1321. - 1321. Whenever the Senate concurs in a nomination, its secretary...
Section 1322. - 1322. In addition to any other statutory provisions requiring confirmation...
Section 1323. - 1323. In addition to any other statutory provisions requiring confirmation...
ARTICLE 3 - Commissions
Section 1340. - 1340. The Governor shall commission: (a) All officers elected by...
Section 1341. - 1341. The commissions of all officers commissioned by the Governor...
Section 1342. - 1342. The commissions of all other officers, where no special...
ARTICLE 4 - Oath of Office
Section 1360. - 1360. Unless otherwise provided, following any election or appointment and...
Section 1362. - 1362. Unless otherwise provided, the oath may be taken before...
Section 1363. - 1363. (a) Unless otherwise provided, every oath of office certified...
Section 1364. - 1364. It is unlawful to remove a person from an...
Section 1365. - 1365. It is unlawful for any person having the power...
Section 1366. - 1366. Any officer or person who is removed or threatened...
Section 1367. - 1367. No compensation nor reimbursement for expenses incurred shall be...
Section 1368. - 1368. Every person who, while taking and subscribing to the...
Section 1369. - 1369. Every person having taken and subscribed to the oath...