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Section 5360. - 5360. After the contractor has fulfilled his contract to the...
Section 5360.2. - 5360.2. The street superintendent in making an assessment shall deduct...
Section 5360.3. - 5360.3. In assessing land, credit may be given for dedications...
Section 5361. - 5361. The assessment shall briefly refer to the contract, the...
Section 5362. - 5362. The assessment shall be filed with the clerk. The...
Section 5363. - 5363. Such notice shall also be given by mail. (Added...
Section 5364. - 5364. Such notice shall designate the property within the assessment...
Section 5365. - 5365. Reference shall be made in the notices required by...
Section 5366. - 5366. The owners, the contractor, or his assigns, and all...
Section 5367. - 5367. Upon such appeal, the legislative body may remedy and...
Section 5368. - 5368. All the decisions and determinations of the legislative body,...
Section 5369. - 5369. No assessment, warrant, or diagram, and no proceedings prior...
Section 5370. - 5370. Whenever the resolution of intention declares that a contribution...
Section 5371. - 5371. To the assessment shall be attached a warrant, which...
Section 5372. - 5372. The warrant, diagram and assessment shall be recorded in...
Section 5372.1. - 5372.1. No assessment or bond hereafter levied or issued shall...
Section 5372.5. - 5372.5. Upon the confirmation of the assessment by the legislative...
Section 5373. - 5373. The lien, whether bonds issued to represent the assessment...
Section 5374. - 5374. The lien of a reassessment and a refunding assessment...
Section 5374.1. - 5374.1. The amount of any contribution for the cost and...
Section 5375. - 5375. After the warrant, assessment and diagram are recorded, the...
Section 5375.1. - 5375.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5375 the legislative body...