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Section 27240. - 27240. At or before the time of issuing any bonds...
Section 27241. - 27241. If the estimated amount of bonds required to pay...
Section 27242. - 27242. Bonds may be issued in accordance with the estimate...
Section 27243. - 27243. Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds the board...
Section 27244. - 27244. If, after any bond has been duly signed by...
Section 27245. - 27245. The district bonds may be made registerable as to...
Section 27247. - 27247. If after paying the cost of constructing or acquiring...
Section 27248. - 27248. The money in the reserve interest fund shall be...
Section 27249. - 27249. If the surplus from the proceeds of the bonds...
Section 27250. - 27250. A district formed under this part may issue either...