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ARTICLE 1 - Legislative Findings
Section 42630. - 42630. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature, by...
ARTICLE 2 - Definitions
Section 42635. - 42635. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall...
ARTICLE 3 - Diversion
Section 42638. - 42638. Each school district and office may coordinate with local...
ARTICLE 4 - Models and School Waste Reduction Tools
Section 42640. - 42640. (a) On or before July 1, 2002, after researching...
ARTICLE 5 - Training, Assistance, and Information
Section 42641. - 42641. The board shall provide training and ongoing technical and...
Section 42642. - 42642. The Division of the State Architect, in consultation with...
ARTICLE 6 - Grants
Section 42645. - 42645. (a) The board, in consultation with the State Department...
Section 42646. - 42646. On or before January 1, 2004, the board shall...
Section 42647. - 42647. The board may enter into an interagency agreement with...