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Section 78690. - 78690. The proceeds of bonds issued and sold pursuant to...
Section 78691. - 78691. Bonds in the total amount of nine hundred ninety-five...
Section 78691.5. - 78691.5. Notwithstanding any other law, nine million nine hundred thousand...
Section 78692. - 78692. (a) The bonds authorized by this division shall be...
Section 78693. - 78693. Solely for the purpose of authorizing the issuance and...
Section 78694. - 78694. The committee shall determine whether or not it is...
Section 78695. - 78695. There shall be collected each year and in the...
Section 78696. - 78696. Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, there is...
Section 78697. - 78697. For the purposes of carrying out this division, the...
Section 78698. - 78698. All money deposited in the fund that is derived...
Section 78699. - 78699. The State Water Resources Control Board may request the...
Section 78700. - 78700. The bonds may be refunded in accordance with Article...
Section 78701. - 78701. Notwithstanding any provision of this division or the State...
Section 78702. - 78702. The Legislature hereby finds and declares that, inasmuch as...