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Section 85300. - 85300. (a) On or before January 1, 2012, the council...
Section 85301. - 85301. (a) The commission shall develop, for consideration and incorporation...
Section 85302. - 85302. (a) The implementation of the Delta Plan shall further...
Section 85303. - 85303. The Delta Plan shall promote statewide water conservation, water...
Section 85304. - 85304. The Delta Plan shall promote options for new and...
Section 85305. - 85305. (a) The Delta Plan shall attempt to reduce risks...
Section 85306. - 85306. The council, in consultation with the Central Valley Flood...
Section 85307. - 85307. (a) The Delta Plan may identify actions to be...
Section 85308. - 85308. The Delta Plan shall meet all of the following...
Section 85309. - 85309. The department, in consultation with the United States Army...