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Section 34400. - 34400. The legislative body of any city organized or incorporated...
Section 34401. - 34401. Notice of the election shall be given by publication...
Section 34402. - 34402. The notice shall be given for at least the...
Section 34403. - 34403. The notice shall distinctly state the proposition to be...
Section 34404. - 34404. The votes shall be canvassed at the time and...
Section 34405. - 34405. If a majority of all the electors voting at...
Section 34406. - 34406. The abstract shall show the whole number of electors...
Section 34407. - 34407. The legislative body shall immediately call a special election,...
Section 34408. - 34408. The legislative body shall canvass the election, and declare...
Section 34409. - 34409. From the date of the entry, the city is...
Section 34410. - 34410. Upon qualifying the officers shall enter upon the duties...
Section 34411. - 34411. Any city organized pursuant to this chapter is deemed...
Section 34412. - 34412. Reorganization does not affect or impair the title to...
Section 34413. - 34413. After reorganization proceedings previously commenced shall be conducted pursuant...
Section 34414. - 34414. The provisions of Sections 34331 and 34332 apply to...