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Section 38225. - 38225. (a) A service fee of seven dollars ($7) shall...
Section 38225.4. - 38225.4. In addition to the service fees specified in subdivision...
Section 38225.5. - 38225.5. In addition to the service fees specified in Section...
Section 38230. - 38230. In addition to the fees imposed by Section 38225,...
Section 38231. - 38231. The fees for a special permit issued under Section...
Section 38231.5. - 38231.5. (a) The fee for a special permit issued under...
Section 38232. - 38232. A special fee of fifteen dollars ($15) shall be...
Section 38235. - 38235. All money collected by the department under Section 38230...
Section 38240. - 38240. (a) The Controller shall allocate the fees collected under...
Section 38245. - 38245. Whenever an off-highway motor vehicle subject to identification is...
Section 38246. - 38246. (a) A penalty shall be added upon any application...
Section 38247. - 38247. (a) When a transferee or purchaser of a vehicle...
Section 38250. - 38250. Whenever any person has received as transferee a properly...
Section 38255. - 38255. Upon application for transfer of ownership or any interest...
Section 38260. - 38260. Upon application for a duplicate ownership certificate or identification...
Section 38265. - 38265. (a) The penalty for delinquency in respect to any...