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Section 10509. - 10509. The purpose of this article is the following: (a)...
Section 10509.1. - 10509.1. This article is applicable to all individual life insurance...
Section 10509.2. - 10509.2. (a) “Replacement” means any transaction in which new life...
Section 10509.3. - 10509.3. (a) Unless otherwise specifically included, this article does not...
Section 10509.4. - 10509.4. (a) Each agent who accepts an application shall submit...
Section 10509.5. - 10509.5. Every life insurer shall do the following: (a) Inform...
Section 10509.6. - 10509.6. Every life insurer that uses an agent in a...
Section 10509.7. - 10509.7. (a) If in the solicitation of a direct response...
Section 10509.8. - 10509.8. (a) A violation of this article shall occur if...
Section 10509.9. - 10509.9. (a) Any agent or other person or entity engaged...