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Section 1879. - 1879. The purpose of this article is to confront aggressively...
Section 1879.1. - 1879.1. (a) The commissioner or their designated deputy commissioner may...
Section 1879.3. - 1879.3. The commissioner shall appoint supervisory and investigatory personnel within...
Section 1879.4. - 1879.4. (a) The Chief of the Fraud Division and those...
Section 1879.5. - 1879.5. (a) Any person who believes that a violation of...
Section 1879.6. - 1879.6. The commissioner may adopt administrative regulations as he or...
Section 1879.7. - 1879.7. The commissioner shall report annually to the Legislature as...
Section 1879.8. - 1879.8. Nothing in this article shall be construed to preclude...