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Section 22970. - 22970. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Part 4...
Section 22970.5. - 22970.5. The runoff election shall be held on the last...
Section 22970.10. - 22970.10. The governing body shall certify the two candidates who...
Section 22970.15. - 22970.15. The voters qualified to vote for the elective offices...
Section 22970.20. - 22970.20. Not less than seven days before any runoff election,...
Section 22970.25. - 22970.25. The county elections official shall commence the canvass of...
Section 22970.30. - 22970.30. Not later than the second Friday in December next...
Section 22970.32. - 22970.32. Officers elected at a runoff election shall take office...
Section 22970.35. - 22970.35. In all other respects a runoff election shall be...