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Section 70210. - 70210. The district may levy, and collect or cause to...
Section 70210.5. - 70210.5. The maximum tax rate set forth in Section 70210...
Section 70211. - 70211. If, in the opinion of the board, the transit...
Section 70212. - 70212. The board shall, in addition to the general tax...
Section 70213. - 70213. The board may provide for the assessment, levy, and...
Section 70214. - 70214. The board shall avail itself of the assessments made...
Section 70215. - 70215. In such case the county auditor shall, on or...
Section 70216. - 70216. The board shall on or before the first day...
Section 70217. - 70217. The board shall immediately after fixing the rate of...
Section 70218. - 70218. The district’s taxes so levied shall be collected at...
Section 70219. - 70219. Whenever any real property has been sold for taxes...
Section 70220. - 70220. All taxes levied under this part are a lien...