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Section 4830. - 4830. Territory, whether situated within the same or another county...
Section 4831. - 4831. If a refuse transfer or disposal system of the...
Section 4831.5. - 4831.5. Property contiguous to a sanitation district but which is...
Section 4832.5. - 4832.5. Whenever any territory in another county is annexed to...
Section 4832.6. - 4832.6. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4832.5, whenever territory of...
Section 4833. - 4833. Taxes for a district which is situated in more...
Section 4834. - 4834. Territory already a part of a county sanitation district...
Section 4835. - 4835. The district board shall adopt a resolution initiating proceedings...
Section 4836. - 4836. The clerk of the district shall give notice of...
Section 4837. - 4837. A majority protest shall be deemed to exist, and...
Section 4838. - 4838. At the hearing, all interested persons shall be given...
Section 4839. - 4839. If the district board approves the proposed annexation, or...