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Section 41400. - 41400. It is the intent and purpose of the Legislature...
Section 41401. - 41401. For the purposes of this article, the following definitions...
Section 41402. - 41402. The maximum ratios of administrative employees to each 100...
Section 41403. - 41403. (a) The Superintendent shall determine, for each current fiscal...
Section 41404. - 41404. (a) The Superintendent shall determine the reduction in state...
Section 41404.5. - 41404.5. (a) A school district with an average daily attendance...
Section 41406. - 41406. Amounts allowable from the State School Fund but not...
Section 41407. - 41407. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a school district...
Section 41409. - 41409. (a) Commencing with the 1988–89 fiscal year, and annually...
Section 41409.3. - 41409.3. Each school district, except for school districts maintaining a...