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Section 4800. - 4800. (a) Whenever any member of the Department of Justice...
Section 4800.5. - 4800.5. (a) Whenever any sworn member of the Department of...
Section 4801. - 4801. It shall be the duty of the appeals board...
Section 4802. - 4802. Any such member of the California Highway Patrol or...
Section 4803. - 4803. Whenever such disability of such member of the California...
Section 4804. - 4804. No disability indemnity shall be paid to said member...
Section 4804.1. - 4804.1. Whenever any member of a University of California fire...
Section 4804.2. - 4804.2. It shall be the duty of the appeals board...
Section 4804.3. - 4804.3. Any such member of a University of California fire...
Section 4804.4. - 4804.4. Whenever such disability of such member of a University...
Section 4804.5. - 4804.5. No disability indemnity shall be paid to said member...
Section 4806. - 4806. Whenever any member of the University of California Police...
Section 4807. - 4807. It shall be the duty of the appeals board...
Section 4808. - 4808. Any such member of the University of California Police...
Section 4809. - 4809. Whenever such disability of such member of the University...
Section 4810. - 4810. No disability indemnity shall be paid to such member...
Section 4811. - 4811. (a) Whenever any member of State Bargaining Unit 8...
Section 4816. - 4816. Pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement applicable to members...
Section 4817. - 4817. It shall be the duty of the appeals board...
Section 4819. - 4819. Whenever the disability of a member of the California...
Section 4820. - 4820. No disability indemnity shall be paid to a member...