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Section 88190. - 88190. Governing boards of community college districts may grant leaves...
Section 88191. - 88191. Every classified employee employed five days a week by...
Section 88192. - 88192. (a) The governing board of a community college district...
Section 88193. - 88193. The governing board of any community college district may...
Section 88194. - 88194. Every person employed in the classified service of any...
Section 88195. - 88195. A permanent employee of the classified service who has...
Section 88196. - 88196. When a person employed in the classified service is...
Section 88196.1. - 88196.1. (a) (1) Notwithstanding any other law, during each school...
Section 88196.5. - 88196.5. A community college district may deduct from the salary...
Section 88197. - 88197. (a) Every community college district shall grant to regular...
Section 88198. - 88198. When any provision of this code expressly authorizes or...
Section 88199. - 88199. Governing boards of community college districts may grant leaves...
Section 88200. - 88200. Governing boards of community college districts may allow permanent...
Section 88201. - 88201. The governing boards of any community college district may...
Section 88202. - 88202. Any classified employee of a community college district, school...
Section 88203. - 88203. All probationary or permanent employees who are part of...
Section 88204. - 88204. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 88203, if a community...
Section 88205. - 88205. Prior to July 1 of any college year, the...
Section 88205.5. - 88205.5. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the governing...
Section 88206. - 88206. Any community college district that requires any classified employee...
Section 88207. - 88207. (a) A contract or regular employee may, at the...
Section 88207.5. - 88207.5. (a) A contract or regular employee may use up...
Section 88209. - 88209. The Director of Employment Development is the administrator of...
Section 88210. - 88210. (a) (1) The governing board of a community college...