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Section 11450. - 11450. (a) (1) (A) Aid shall be paid for each...
Section 11450.01. - 11450.01. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, commencing October...
Section 11450.015. - 11450.015. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the maximum aid...
Section 11450.017. - 11450.017. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the maximum aid...
Section 11450.018. - 11450.018. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the maximum...
Section 11450.019. - 11450.019. Effective the first day of the month following 90...
Section 11450.02. - 11450.02. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, commencing July...
Section 11450.021. - 11450.021. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, effective April 1, 2019,...
Section 11450.022. - 11450.022. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to...
Section 11450.023. - 11450.023. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, effective October 1, 2019,...
Section 11450.025. - 11450.025. (a) (1) Notwithstanding any other law, effective on March...
Section 11450.026. - 11450.026. (a) Commencing in the 2019–20 fiscal year and for...
Section 11450.027. - 11450.027. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that,...
Section 11450.03. - 11450.03. (a) Notwithstanding the maximum aid payments specified in paragraph...
Section 11450.05. - 11450.05. (a) For purposes of determining the maximum aid payment...
Section 11450.3. - 11450.3. (a) The director may establish, within the department, the...
Section 11450.4. - 11450.4. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to...
Section 11450.5. - 11450.5. For purposes of computing and paying aid grants under...
Section 11450.8. - 11450.8. No payment of aid pursuant to Section 11450 shall...
Section 11450.9. - 11450.9. (a) (1) The department shall designate as energy assistance...
Section 11450.10. - 11450.10. Whenever the department is informed pursuant to either Section...
Section 11450.11. - 11450.11. Whenever a county welfare department is informed that a...
Section 11450.12. - 11450.12. (a) (1) An applicant family shall not be eligible...
Section 11450.13. - 11450.13. (a) In calculating the amount of aid to which...
Section 11450.16. - 11450.16. (a) For purposes of determining eligibility under this chapter,...
Section 11450.17. - 11450.17. (a) (1) For purposes of determining the maximum aid...
Section 11451. - 11451. Any county may, in its discretion, pay from its...
Section 11451.5. - 11451.5. (a) The following income shall be exempt from the...
Section 11451.5. - 11451.5. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (c), the following...
Section 11452. - 11452. (a) (1) Minimum basic standards of adequate care shall...
Section 11452.018. - 11452.018. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the minimum...
Section 11453. - 11453. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (c), the amounts...
Section 11453.01. - 11453.01. (a) Commencing July 1, 2022, and each year thereafter,...
Section 11453.1. - 11453.1. (a) It is the intent of this section to...
Section 11453.2. - 11453.2. A county shall issue vouchers or vendor payments for...
Section 11454. - 11454. (a) A parent or caretaker relative shall not be...
Section 11454.1. - 11454.1. (a) County welfare departments shall provide each recipient who...
Section 11454.5. - 11454.5. (a) Any month in which the following conditions exist...
Section 11454.6. - 11454.6. (a) Notwithstanding Section 15200, to the extent that the...
Section 11455. - 11455. If on the first day of the month a...
Section 11457. - 11457. (a) Money from noncustodial parents for child or spousal...
Section 11458. - 11458. The county may cancel, suspend or revoke aid under...
Section 11460. - 11460. (a) (1) Foster care providers shall be paid a...
Section 11461. - 11461. (a) For children or, on and after January 1,...
Section 11461.1. - 11461.1. It is the intent of the Legislature to ensure...
Section 11461.2. - 11461.2. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to...
Section 11461.3. - 11461.3. (a) The Approved Relative Caregiver Funding Program is hereby...
Section 11461.36. - 11461.36. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to...
Section 11461.4. - 11461.4. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, a tribe that has...
Section 11461.5. - 11461.5. (a) The department may establish a rate to supplement...
Section 11461.6. - 11461.6. (a) The Emergency Child Care Bridge Program for Foster...
Section 11462. - 11462. (a) The department shall commence development of a new...
Section 11462.01. - 11462.01. (a) (1) If a program will admit Medi-Cal beneficiaries,...
Section 11462.011. - 11462.011. (a) The State Department of Health Care Services shall,...
Section 11462.02. - 11462.02. (a) Any existing county-operated foster family agency or group...
Section 11462.022. - 11462.022. (a) Upon meeting the licensure requirements pursuant to Section...
Section 11462.03. - 11462.03. (a)Notwithstanding subdivision (c) of Section 11462, the data obtained...
Section 11462.04. - 11462.04. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, commencing January 1, 2017,...
Section 11462.041. - 11462.041. (a) The Legislature recognizes that group homes are one...
Section 11462.045. - 11462.045. (a) The State Department of Social Services shall establish...
Section 11462.06. - 11462.06. (a) For purposes of the administration of this article,...
Section 11462.2. - 11462.2. (a) Notwithstanding Section 11462, when the director determines that...
Section 11462.4. - 11462.4. Notwithstanding Section 11342.610 of the Government Code, providers, as...
Section 11463. - 11463. (a) The department shall commence development of a new...
Section 11463.5. - 11463.5. In order to receive funding on behalf of children...
Section 11464. - 11464. (a) The Legislature finds and declares all of the...
Section 11465. - 11465. (a) If a child is living with a parent...
Section 11465.6. - 11465.6. (a) Up to five counties selected by the department,...
Section 11466. - 11466. For purposes of this section to Section 11469.3, inclusive,...
Section 11466.01. - 11466.01. (a) Commencing January 1, 2017, a provisional rate shall...
Section 11466.1. - 11466.1. (a) (1) The department shall adopt regulations that specify...
Section 11466.2. - 11466.2. (a) (1) The department shall perform or have performed...
Section 11466.21. - 11466.21. (a) In accordance with subdivision (b), as a condition...
Section 11466.22. - 11466.22. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to...
Section 11466.23. - 11466.23. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to...
Section 11466.235. - 11466.235. (a) The department, in consultation and coordination with the...
Section 11466.24. - 11466.24. (a) In accordance with this section, a county shall...
Section 11466.25. - 11466.25. Interest begins to accrue on a provider overpayment or...
Section 11466.3. - 11466.3. (a) The department shall offer a voluntary repayment agreement...
Section 11466.31. - 11466.31. (a) When it has been determined that a provider...
Section 11466.32. - 11466.32. (a) If a provider that owes a sustained overpayment...
Section 11466.33. - 11466.33. (a) If any amount is due and payable to...
Section 11466.34. - 11466.34. (a) (1) At any time within 10 years of...
Section 11466.35. - 11466.35. (a) Any licensee or member of a governing board...
Section 11466.36. - 11466.36. (a) The department may terminate a program rate if...
Section 11466.5. - 11466.5. The department shall collect cost data and monitor the...
Section 11466.6. - 11466.6. A provider who disagrees with the rate determined by...
Section 11467. - 11467. (a) The State Department of Social Services, with the...
Section 11467.1. - 11467.1. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that...
Section 11467.2. - 11467.2. (a) The department shall contract with an independent evaluator...
Section 11468. - 11468. The department shall establish and maintain administrative procedures to...
Section 11468.1. - 11468.1. The administrative review procedure for rates established pursuant to...
Section 11468.2. - 11468.2. (a) A provider who disagrees with a rate determination...
Section 11468.3. - 11468.3. (a) The appeal filed with the department pursuant to...
Section 11468.4. - 11468.4. (a) The hearing regarding a rate held pursuant to...
Section 11468.5. - 11468.5. The provider may request review of the final decision...
Section 11468.6. - 11468.6. (a) The director shall establish administrative procedures to review...
Section 11469. - 11469. (a) The department shall develop, following consultation with group...
Section 11469.1. - 11469.1. The performance standards and outcome measures required by Section...
Section 11469.2. - 11469.2. (a) The department shall develop, following consultation with foster...
Section 11469.3. - 11469.3. The performance standards and outcome measures required by Section...