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Section 1251. - 1251. The boundaries of any district organized or existing under...
Section 1252. - 1252. To qualify for annexation, new territory shall be contiguous...
Section 1253. - 1253. Proceedings may be commenced for the annexation of territory...
Section 1254. - 1254. The petition shall be addressed to the board of...
Section 1255. - 1255. Within 30 days after the filing of the petition...
Section 1256. - 1256. The notice required in Section 1255 shall state the...
Section 1257. - 1257. If, at the close of the hearing, the board...
Section 1258. - 1258. The declaration of the result and recordation of the...
Section 1259. - 1259. Territory forming a part of any existing district at...