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Section 4806. - 4806. As an alternative method of issuing bonds the district...
Section 4806.5. - 4806.5. As an alternative method of issuing bonds the district...
Section 4807. - 4807. Notice of the hearing shall be given by publishing...
Section 4808. - 4808. At the time and place so fixed, or at...
Section 4808.5. - 4808.5. At the time and place so fixed, or at...
Section 4809. - 4809. When the board has made its determinations as provided...
Section 4809.1. - 4809.1. Except as otherwise provided in this article, notice of...
Section 4809.2. - 4809.2. No irregularities or informalities in conducting such election shall...
Section 4809.3. - 4809.3. Bonds issued as bonds of the district for an...