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Section 10383. - 10383. The Department of General Services is hereby designated as...
Section 10383.1. - 10383.1. The department shall cooperate with the federal government and...
Section 10383.2. - 10383.2. The department may enter into cooperative agreements with, and...
Section 10383.3. - 10383.3. The Director of General Services may create a committee...
Section 10383.4. - 10383.4. The department shall develop a detailed state plan of...
Section 10383.5. - 10383.5. The cash resources of the Surplus Property - Hardware...
Section 10383.6. - 10383.6. The Department of General Services shall have the possession...
Section 10383.7. - 10383.7. All officers and employees of the State Department of...
Section 10383.8. - 10383.8. The department may make all rules and regulations consistent...