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Section 23375. - 23375. After the creation of the proposed county its officers...
Section 23376. - 23376. The officers of each affected county shall immediately execute...
Section 23377. - 23377. The county superintendent of schools of each affected county...
Section 23378. - 23378. The auditor of each affected county shall draw his...
Section 23379. - 23379. The treasurer of each affected county shall immediately cause...
Section 23380. - 23380. Whenever in the formation of a proposed county, a...
Section 23381. - 23381. The board of supervisors of any proposed county shall...
Section 23382. - 23382. All actions pending in the superior court of an...
Section 23383. - 23383. The affected county or counties shall continue to provide...
Section 23383.5. - 23383.5. The maximum tax rate for the new county shall...
Section 23384. - 23384. Except as provided by the commission, upon creation of...
Section 23385. - 23385. When the proposed county is deemed created, all funds,...
Section 23386. - 23386. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, creation of...