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Section 132300. - 132300. The Legislature, by the enactment of this article, intends...
Section 132301. - 132301. (a) A retail transactions and use tax ordinance applicable...
Section 132302. - 132302. The commission, in the ordinance, shall state the nature...
Section 132303. - 132303. (a) The county shall conduct an election called by...
Section 132304. - 132304. (a) Any transactions and use tax ordinance adopted pursuant...
Section 132305. - 132305. The revenues from the taxes imposed pursuant to this...
Section 132306. - 132306. If taxes are imposed pursuant to this article for...
Section 132307. - 132307. (a) The commission, subject to the approval of the...
Section 132308. - 132308. The commission may reduce a tax rate to percentages...
Section 132309. - 132309. (a) The commission, as part of the ballot proposition...
Section 132310. - 132310. (a) The bonds authorized by the voters concurrently with...
Section 132310.5. - 132310.5. The commission may provide for the bonds to bear...
Section 132311. - 132311. Limited tax bonds shall be issued pursuant to a...
Section 132312. - 132312. Any bonds issued pursuant to this article are a...
Section 132313. - 132313. Any action or proceeding wherein the validity of the...
Section 132314. - 132314. The commission has no power to impose any tax...