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Section 19510. - 19510. (a) Every steward and racing official not required to...
Section 19512. - 19512. (a) The board shall require applicants for license as...
Section 19513. - 19513. (a) The board shall prepare both written and oral...
Section 19514. - 19514. Racing officials shall be licensed by the board pursuant...
Section 19515. - 19515. An original license issued under this article shall be...
Section 19516. - 19516. The board may, at any time, require the removal...
Section 19517. - 19517. (a) The board, upon due consideration, may overrule any...
Section 19517.5. - 19517.5. (a) The respondent in an enforcement proceeding that alleges...
Section 19518. - 19518. (a) (1) The board shall contract with persons licensed...