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Section 30960. - 30960. Whenever the board deems it necessary for the district...
Section 30961. - 30961. Notice of said hearing shall be given by publishing...
Section 30962. - 30962. At the time and place so fixed, or at...
Section 30963. - 30963. The board may change the purposes for which the...
Section 30964. - 30964. The purposes, estimated cost, amount of bonded debt, or...
Section 30965. - 30965. At the time and place so fixed, or at...
Section 30966. - 30966. At the conclusion of the hearing, the board shall,...
Section 30967. - 30967. After the formation of the improvement district or districts...
Section 30968. - 30968. After the board has made its determination of the...
Section 30969. - 30969. Thereafter the provisions relating to the authorization and issuance...
Section 30970. - 30970. Any action or proceeding, wherein the validity of the...