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Section 13000. - 13000. (a) (1) The department may issue an identification card...
Section 13000.1. - 13000.1. (a) The department may refuse to issue or renew...
Section 13001. - 13001. (a) Any federal document demonstrating favorable action by the...
Section 13001.5. - 13001.5. Commencing no later than July 1, 2027, the department...
Section 13002. - 13002. (a) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (b), every...
Section 13002.1. - 13002.1. (a) The director shall establish a program that permits...
Section 13003. - 13003. (a) If an identification card issued under this code...
Section 13004. - 13004. It is unlawful for any person: (a) To display...
Section 13004.1. - 13004.1. (a) A person shall not manufacture or sell an...
Section 13005. - 13005. (a) The identification card shall resemble in appearance, so...
Section 13005.3. - 13005.3. In addition to the requirements of Section 13005, any...
Section 13005.5. - 13005.5. (a) (1) An identification card issued to any person...
Section 13006. - 13006. No public entity or employee shall be liable for...
Section 13007. - 13007. Whenever any person after applying for or receiving an...
Section 13007.5. - 13007.5. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this code or...
Section 13008. - 13008. When used in reference to an identification card, “cancellation”...