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Section 7456. - 7456. Antidiscrimination. (a) It is an unlawful practice, unless based...
Section 7457. - 7457. Sexual Harassment Prevention. (a) A network company shall develop...
Section 7458. - 7458. Criminal Background Checks. (a) A network company shall conduct,...
Section 7459. - 7459. Safety Training. (a) A network company shall require an...
Section 7460. - 7460. Zero Tolerance Policies. (a) A network company shall institute...
Section 7460.5. - 7460.5. A network company shall make continuously and exclusively available...
Section 7461. - 7461. App-based Driver Rest. An app-based driver shall not be...
Section 7462. - 7462. Impersonating an App-Based Driver. Any person who fraudulently impersonates...