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Section 820. - 820. The State of California assents to the provisions of...
Section 820.1. - 820.1. (a) The State of California consents to the jurisdiction...
Section 820.5. - 820.5. The department may enter into agreements with authorized officials...
Section 821. - 821. The department, on behalf of the State, shall submit...
Section 822. - 822. The department is authorized to do any and all...
Section 822.5. - 822.5. Agreements are authorized between the department and any county,...
Section 823. - 823. In addition to the purposes for which the moneys...
Section 823.5. - 823.5. The department may maintain any street or highway which...
Section 824. - 824. Expenditures made from the State Highway Account, to the...
Section 825. - 825. The total of the funds available from the Federal...
Section 826. - 826. All moneys received from the Government of the United...
Section 826.5. - 826.5. The department, the State Controller, and the State Treasurer...
Section 827. - 827. The department may insert in the specifications for any...
Section 828. - 828. The provisions of this article, as added by the...