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Section 6150. - 6150. For purposes of this article, notwithstanding any provision of...
Section 6151. - 6151. (a) Beginning on the date for which the federal...
Section 6152. - 6152. For the efficient administration of this article and the...
Section 6154. - 6154. For the efficient administration of this article and the...
Section 6156. - 6156. A seller shall file with the board an application...
Section 6158. - 6158. After compliance by the seller with Section 6156 and...
Section 6160. - 6160. A permit issued pursuant to this article shall be...
Section 6162. - 6162. For purposes of Section 6486, a seller is a...
Section 6164. - 6164. Every provider and seller shall keep any records, receipts,...
Section 6166. - 6166. The board, or any person authorized in writing by...
Section 6168. - 6168. Notwithstanding Section 7101, all revenues, less refunds, derived from...
Section 6170. - 6170. (a) (1) This article shall become operative only if...
Section 6172. - 6172. This article shall remain in effect only until the...